Frequently asked questions
How to provide feedback?
Preferred is to use this feedback form. For other than the listed topics please reach out to info@mculture.xyz.
How to install μCulture?
In order to install the μCulture app you must be an admin user of a workspace. To proceed visit the following url: https://sl.mculture.xyz/slack/install and select "Add to Slack"
In case you aren't already logged in you will be asked by Slack to login with your admin account. Then you must select the workspace (if you have many) you want to add the app to and accept to grant access to necessary permissions.
How to add μCulture in private channels?
To add μCulture to a private channel, go to the channel and press /a , then select Add apps to this channel. Finally add mCulture from the list.
How to check emotions before sending messages?
To check the emotional footprint of a message, go to a channel where the bot lives , then type /emotions + the message. If you want to limit the results you can use the top parameter like /emotions top x + the message.
Installation and usage
Who can benefit from μCulture?
μCulture offers services to Human Resources Managers and Executives, Culture teams but also C-level insights to CEOs, COOs. These roles can benefit from understanding the communication across a workspace.
μCulture is also a coach to all team members of a workspace helping on being more self-aware, understanding trends on key relationships and be more positive overall.
Can I try it for free?
30 days free trial
Add to Slack in under 5 minutes
Risk free 30 day trial (no obligation or credit card required!)
Full support